8 DEPENDENCE OF THE SOLUTION ON INITIAL CONDITIONS 305 (10.8.2) With the notations of (10.8.1), suppose f is p times continuously differentiable (resp. E is finite dimensional and f is indefinitely differentiable, resp. E is finite dimensional and f is analytic) in I x H. Then it is possible to choose J and V such that the function (t, tQ , ;c0) -» u(t, /0 , x0) is p times con- tinuously differentiable (resp. indefinitely differentiable, resp. analytic) in J x J x V. Indeed, if we write v(s, t0 , XQ) = u(tQ + s, t0 , XQ) — x0 , we see that 5- -» v(s9 tQ , x0) is a solution of the equation which takes the value 0 at the point s = Q; the result then follows from (10.7.4) and (10.7.5). For linear differential equations, there are much more precise results. The equation (10.8.3) x' = A(t)-x is called the homogeneous linear dijfferential equation associated to (10.6.2); the difference of any two solutions of (10.6.2) in I is a solution of (10.8.3) in I, and the solutions of (10.8.3) in I constitute a vector subspace ffl of the space #E(I) of all continuous mappings of I into E. (10.8.4) For each (s9 x0), let t -> u(t9 s, XQ) be the unique solution of (10.8.3) defined in I and such that u(s, s, XQ) = x0. (1) For each t e I, the mapping x0 -»u(t, s, XQ) is a linear homeomorphism C(t9 s) e J?(E) ofE onto itself. (2) The mapping t -> C(f, s) of I into the Banach space J5f (E) is equal to the solution of the linear homogeneous differential equation ( U' = A(t)° U which is equal to 7E (identity mapping of E) for t = s. (3) For any three points r, s, t in I ( C(r, 0 = C(r, s) - C(s, t) and C(s, t) = (C(/, ^))""a. It is clear that u(t, s, jcj + u(t9 s9 x2) (resp. lu(t, s, *0)) is a solution of (10.8.3) which is equal to jq + x2 (resp. AJCO) for t — s; hence (10.6.4) it is equal to u(t, s, x1 + x2) (resp. «/(/, s, Ax0)) in I, which proves that the mapping xQ-+u(t, s, x0) is linear; let us write it C(f, s) (we have not yet proved that this mapping is continuous in E). any s e J, and in particular,